The Mystery Blogger Award

Hello, my bookish dearies! I haven’t been nominated for an award in a long, long time, so I’m excited to do this post! JoBeth @ Blue Binding nominated me for this award, created by Okoto Enigma. Thank you!!! I’ve been wanting to interact with the blogging community more, and this award does just that. I hope you enjoy!


Award Rules

  1. Put the award logo on your blog.
  2. List the rules.
  3. Thank whoever nominated you and link to their blog.
  4. Mention the creator of the award and provide a link as well.
  5. Tell your readers three things about yourself.
  6. Nominate roughly 10-20 people for this award
  7. Notify your nominees by commenting on their blogs.
  8. Ask your nominees five questions.
  9. Share a link to your best/favorite post that you’ve written


Three Things About Me

  1. I used to draw. Certainly not award-winning, but I dabbled in realistic until one teacher criticized my work and just killed my passion for drawing.
  2. I hate musicals, yet some of my favourite movies are. Nightmare before Christmas is my number one movie, and I can’t get enough of it.
  3. When I was young, I wanted to build a library of thousands of books (clearly, my dream isn’t dead), because my Mom is illiterate. For years she slowly taught herself some words, and when I was older, I taught her more. Reading is a privilege that some people take for granted. And I appreciate every book she’s ever given me.


JoBeth’s Questions

Is there a book that you continuously recommend to people?

HA! Just one? Wintersong, An Ember in the Ashes, A Court of Mist and Fury, and Six of Crows are the ones I automatically recommend.


What is the number one thing that you look for in a book?

Even if the story is a retelling or is something original, I want authors to make it their own. A good example is the ACOTAR series or the Lunar Chronicle series (I regret I haven’t read it yet. Don’t kill me!).


What is your favorite kind of blog post to write?

Joint reviews and bookish chats.


If you could be any book/movie/TV show character for a day, who would you be?

Right now? Kell from A Darker Shade of Magic. No doubt. I want his coat (who bloody doesn’t?!). And I want to travel to different worlds.


Where was the coolest vacation that you ever went on?

My choice may seem cheesy (definitely cheesy), and it may not be the coolest, but the vacation I took with just my mom to a cottage my family rented out is my favourite. I didn’t have to wake up at an ungodly hour, make food when someone told me to, and socialize with family members. I painted, I read, I swam, and I found me.


I’m being too cheesy in this post. Someone help me.


My Best/Favourite Posts

My review of A Torch against the Night is where I found my voice. I didn’t want to sound like a book critic, just me. And finding it took a lot longer than I had anticipated.


My Nominations

Now on to my victims (ahem, nominations).

  1. Grace @ Grace Gets Books
  2. Flavia @ Flavia the Bibliophile
  3. Zoe @ Book Addict Rambles
  4. Maddie @ Well-Read Twenty Something
  5. Sue @ Sue’s Reading Corner
  6. Suzy @ Suzy Approved Book Reviews
  7. Shelly, Abby, Casey, and Kira @ Dust off Your MacHalo
  8. Kathy @ Books and Munches
  9. Laura @ Snazzy Books


My Questions

  1. Who is your guilty pleasure author/series? Do you love to hate it or hate to love it?
  2. What is the latest book you’ve read that you’ve absolutely hated/loved?
  3. What bothers you in your favourite genre (e.g., love triangles in YA)
  4. What is the most underrated book/series/author?
  5. If you could pick a book you wanted to change, which book is it, and how would you change it?

12 thoughts on “The Mystery Blogger Award

  1. Thank you for nominating us! Great post! That is really cool about helping your Mom learn to read. I also like your choices for books you always recommend. I’m already starting to think of answers to the questions you asked! 🙂 – Shelly

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I really enjoyed your answers!! I like drawing and art and such and I’m sorry someone ruined it for you. 😦 Also, you should definitely read The Lunar Chronicles (but I won’t kill you for it haha), they are some of my favorite books!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yay! 😊

      I wasn’t the best, but I loved doing it. But I turned to writing afterwards.

      I’ve been hoping to get my hands on that series, so I’ll definitely pick it up soon!

      Thanks again for the nomination!

      Liked by 1 person

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