Beyond the Blurb | Breaking Up with a Book from Your Favourite Series

Morning, book fam!

Are you that surprised I’m going with the hard discussion topic? I’m not. Not in the slightest. Breaking up with a book is hard, painful, and often heartbreaking. It particularly hurts when the title is one of your most anticipated reads of the year. Sometimes though, you may have set your expectations high and now run into the situation where you aren’t sure if you should DNF that book or suffer.

And right now, I’m in that position. On the 13th, I first started reading King of Scars. I’ve been waiting for this book for a good year, even though, at the time, I didn’t read the Grisha Trilogy yet. And I want to scream at the book gods and demand why I’m not loving it as much as I want to. Yes, I expect this series to floor me just as Six of Crows has done. But I feel Leigh, even though she is my queen, and her books are a bit of a hit-or-miss with me. And I hate that. Hate it more than damaged books. So if you’re stuck, like me, what do you do? How do you move from the literary fork in the road? For my next discussion post, Beyond the Blurb, I’ve come up with these simple tips to live by:


If You’re Struggling So Much That You Can’t Focus, Put the Book Down and Move On

What’s the point in struggling? What’s the point in wasting more time on a book that doesn’t capture your attention and draw you in? You shouldn’t have to suffer just because you bought the book. You can simply DNF it.


If You Feel as if You’ve Invested Enough Time into the Series, Reconsider

Right now, this tip is where I go back and forth on. I’ve invested a lot of time and money in this series. I’ve purchased the merch, the special editions, and all the books. So why shouldn’t I put in the time for the next addition to this ever-growing world?


If You Believe You Can’t Get into the Story, Find Another One, Then Come Back

Perhaps the book isn’t the right fit for you at this time. Some books are meant to be read at the right moment. And others need to be read later on. If you hate DNFing a book, you can always come back to it when you’ve cleansed your palate.


If You Need a Pick-Me-Up, Read Your Favourite Genre to Get Back into the Swing of Things

Even though I love YA fantasy, which is one of my favourites, I’m digging the paranormal romance genre right now. And I feel like I need some zing in my dull reading life. Some genres are hard to get into, so always go back to the one that makes you feel happy.


If You Still Aren’t Sure, Ask a Reader/Blogger Friend

Friends are there for more than just talking about your favourite book boyfriend or the most hated character you want to see die. If you don’t know what you should do, ask your friends what their opinions are. Outside help is appreciated.


So what do you do when you contemplate breaking up with a book? What are your tips that can help readers when they’re stuck in this dreaded situation? What do you think I should do?

12 thoughts on “Beyond the Blurb | Breaking Up with a Book from Your Favourite Series

  1. I am that type of person who won’t give up. I am reading this ARC where I have slept on it twice now and I still am wasting my time finishing it. I am that trash. I have seen others DNFing it I am not giving up yet. I kind of want to roast it later on but not really? But now I am reconsidering, saying what you said. Inverting a fair amount and it’s not really worth it I should just stop… Lovely post BTW!

    Liked by 1 person

    • You are so right on the roasting part. I think if you’ve drag yourself through a badly written book, you should deserve some kind of bad review.

      I’m just starting to feel comfortable with DNFing books, but it’s still hard though.


  2. I will absolutely not give up. I torture myself trying to read something I don’t like. But the crazy thing with me is that I always end up liking the book after a few months….

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  3. Preach! I started the grisha trilogy and couldn’t enjoy the first book, struggling through it because I, at the time, DNF books rarely. This was before six of crows came out, which I absolutely loved. There’s just so many books to read, and many of them isn’t necessarily bad, just not what the some readers personally likes. For instance I’ve just stopped trying to read Malinda Lo books for a while, even though they have all the elements I would enjoy, I just can’t like the story-telling aspect of them. I guess my tip is just that you get to know what you like and then it’s easier to DNF a book pointing out a reason it wasn’t going to work for you anyway, in my experience. I’m still struggling with it too, like you said

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  4. This post speaks to my soul! Honestly this year has kind of been a year of disappointing reads and it’s not been fun. I am a huge advocate of setting a book aside until the mood strikes… or just straight up DNFing if I am hating it. Life is too short and there are too many books out there!

    I feel you on Leigh’s books being hit or miss though. I tried really hard to like her books… but I’ve finally come to the realization her writing isn’t for me. Sucks, but at least with the netflix show I can try to consume it in a different medium that hopefully won’t make me hate reading for weeks.


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