The Liebster Award (6)

Morning, everyone,

I’ve been meaning to catch up on my posts, but I almost didn’t do this one until now. Don’t you hate procrastinating?

I want to thank Emer from A Little Haze Book Blog for nominating me. Please, please, please visit her blog!

Enjoy the read!

The Rules

  • Answer the 11 questions you’ve been asked
  • Nominate 11 other bloggers
  • Ask your nominees 11 questions
  • Let them know you’ve nominated them


Emer’s Questions

What is the first book you ever remember buying?

I bought it for my birthday when I was on an Ottawa trip.

Have you ever read any book that changed the way you see yourself or how you see the world? If so what book and why?

White Oleander is basically my bible. I don’t know how it became that, but I wouldn’t be the person I am if I didn’t read that book.

What is your favourite food to snack on while reading?

I don’t typically snack on anything when I read. I hate staining my books. 😅

What is your favourite thing about book blogging or blogging in general?

The blogging community and friends who have been there for me more than I deserve.

What is your favourite ever quote from a book and why that quote?

“I can survive well enough on my own—if given the proper reading material.”

If you could only ever read books by one author for the rest of your life, what author would that be?

If I could read books by Coralee June, then I’d be one happy reader.

What is your favourite genre to read?

I have several: reverse harem, fantasy, and paranormal romance!

What is your least favourite genre to read?

I don’t have a huge thrill to read erotic.

If you could have any super-power for a day what would you choose?

I’d love to fly. Without a doubt, I’d love that power.

Have you ever bought a book based on its cover alone? If so what was the book and what about the cover drew you in?

I couldn’t get over the intricate detail of the skull on the cover. Even before I picked up a copy, I knew I needed it. The little goth in me would be mad if I didn’t.

Do you prefer books that make you laugh or books that make you cry? Explain why so

Why not both? I’ve had books that made me laugh and cry at the same time, and those are the ones I cherish the most.

My Questions

  1. What excites you the most: a great cover or a well-written blurb?
  2. Which genre do you want to read more of?
  3. Who’s your favourite character and why?
  4. What’s your first five-star read of 2020?
  5. Which fictional character would you name your child/pet after?
  6. What are your other hobbies?
  7. Have you DNF’d any books this year?
  8. Which is your most anticipated 2020 book?
  9. What book you’ve owned the longest do you want to read next?
  10. Do you like multiple POVs?
  11. If you worked in a bookstore, which book would you recommend?

I Nominate

Poinsettia | Gerry | Carly | Dedra | Felicia & Stephanie | Mir | Tiffany | Brooke | Kay | Leah | Kayla

8 thoughts on “The Liebster Award (6)

  1. Ahh Throne of Glass has so many nostalgic tags, I love the one you shared especially! Thank you so much for the tag, I can’t wait to get around to these questions 😀


  2. Thank you for nominating me!

    I’ve never read White Oleander but it’s been one of those books that has circled my periphery for a while and I keep meaning to. From what I know of it I think I would probably like it!


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