Beyond the Blurb | Do Bloggers Need to Use Trigger Warnings?

Morning, everyone!

Let’s talk about trigger warnings. They may be a hot topic in the book community. But they’re important to readers.

I know several people who believe they’re more politically correct. I disagree. People forget why others need them. They’re similar to the film and TV rating systems. You don’t see viewers complain about the system, now do you? Probably not. The systems help adults decide what their children should or shouldn’t watch. So why do people complain about trigger warnings?

Perhaps political correctness does come into play here. Maybe people have had enough warnings and being conscientious of other people’s thoughts or mental stability. Heaven forbid we people try to be, I don’t know, proactive to prevent a trigger. Their primary reason is to inform potential readers of subject matters that may adversely affect them. A good example is sexual assault in literature. I had a hard time finishing Diana Gabaldon’s Outlander because the assault and torture of Jamie Fraser are almost too much. I wish I had paid attention to some of the warnings, but I didn’t.

So in my next discussion post,  I want to discuss why I believe bloggers should use trigger warnings and why they’re essential to the reading experience.


Warning Readers Who Have Faced Abuse Can Prevent a Harmful Response

I have a hard time reading about any type of abuse in books, especially sexual. I am dealing with my past, and it’s hard enough to wade through my memories. But when a book contains a trigger, sometimes, I may remember what happened to me. Since I have PTSD, depression, and anxiety, I need to know how severe these scenes are in stories so I don’t need to add another outside force into the mix. I have my mind to do that for me.

Many other readers are dealing with the same issue. And they deserve to have some warning, even if it may have been seen as a spoiler so they can avert a potentially damaging reaction. But what is a reaction though?

Triggers aren’t simply a bad feeling from reading a scene in a book. A trigger can lead to suicidal thoughts, flashbacks, nightmares, depression, relapses, and self-harm. As a blogger, you need to realize that it’s your responsibility and job to tell readers.


They Help Readers Decide if They Will Either Read or Purchase a Book

I have followed trigger warnings from other bloggers when I decided on buying a book. They gave me that warning. And if I have more concern than normal, I’ll ask for more details. I appreciate that notice. Sometimes, I don’t immediately read the book I’ve recently purchased. So if I’ve waited past the return policy, I’ve wasted a lot of money when I could have spent it on another book.


Not Every Author or Even Publisher Will Inform Readers of Negative Topics in Books

When I first cracked open Girls of Paper and Fire, by Natasha Ngan, I let out a sigh when I saw the trigger warning in the book. I don’t see that in most books. And most of the time, I don’t see authors telling readers about anything. Now, I’m not saying I don’t see warnings from authors at all. In fact, I see them in the reverse harem community. And I love how readers and authors are informing new readers.


Trigger Warnings Are Personal, so You Don’t Decide Who Does or Doesn’t Need Them

Yes, when people prevent themselves from seeing/reading triggers because they have a mental illness, that action isn’t always a healthy coping mechanism. They can’t heal from their trauma when they avoid it. However, that doesn’t mean you get to decide when they process and handle their trauma. You don’t give them a deadline. They need to make that decision, not you, the author, or the publisher.

Trigger warnings will always be personal. So do not insert yourself into someone’s decision.


They Will Never be a Spoiler

Do you know what a spoiler is? Someone yelling “Snape kills Dumbledore!” Trigger warnings are not. At all. Get that out of your head. They warn readers. No, they do not go into detail about topics or situations in the book.


So what is your opinion on trigger warnings? Do you believe they’re warranted, or do you believe readers should go in blind?

Sunshine Blogger Award

Hey, book lovers!

Is it really Thursday?! I can’t believe it. Taylor from Nerd Narration nominated me. And I can’t thank her enough for doing so.

If you haven’t checked out her blog, do it!

What is the Sunshine Blogger Award?

The Sunshine Blogger Award is given to those who are creative, positive, and inspiring while spreading sunshine to the blogging community.

How Does it Work:

  • Thank the person who nominated you in the blog post & link back to their blog
  • Answer the 11 questions sent by the person who nominated you
  • Nominate 11 new blogs to receive the award and write them 11 new questions
  • List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo on your post and/or on your blog.

Taylor’s Questions

What is one of your favourite book quotes?

“I will have you without armor, Kaz Brekker. Or I will not have you at all.” —Inej, Six of Crows

If you won a free plane ticket anywhere in the world where would it take you and what is the FIRST thing you’d do there?

Scotland. I want to see where my family originated from.

What is your favorite underrated/under reviewed book?

What celebrity would cause death by fangirling if you got to meet them on the street?

I think I would die happy if I saw Tom Hiddleston dressed up as Loki. I’d pet him before I let myself die though.

What is your favorite 2018 read — so far?


What is the last band you saw in concert?

HA. I’ve been to only two concerts, so I’ll say Jack’s Mannequin.

What’s the last book that made you cry?

I’m getting to the good stuff, and I’m all weepy. Someone smack me, please. 😭

What’s the current most played track on your Spotify/Apple Music/iTunes playlist? No cheating! 

You may laugh at this, but it’s the Avengers: Infinity War teaser trailer track.

If you were going to get a tattoo based off a book what would you get and why?

I would take a quote from the Throne of Glass series. I never thought I’d relate to a character as much as I do with Aelin.

What’s your favorite meal? Your go-to dinner if money wasn’t an option. 

There was an old pizza joint in town. And it made the best panzerotti I’ve ever tasted. You don’t know how much money I’d spend just to have another bite of it.

Who’s your fictional crush and who would you cast IRL to play them?

*crushes (help me)

Thorne from the Lunar Chronicles. Honestly, I’d be perfectly fine commandeering stuff and flying around the Earth. 😂

Tag Time

All of you deserve every single blogging award. But I don’t want you to be obligated to do this one. So there’s no rush. If you do want to do it, link me up!

Teagan & Jess | Kay | KalinaMerline | Jennifer | Alyssa | LaRonda | Sara | Ally | Rebecca | Alexandra

My Questions

  1. Which is the last book that made you giddy/laugh?
  2. Which fictional character would be your partner-in-crime?
  3. If you had limitless funds, how would you design your library?
  4. Which is your favourite season?
  5. What book reminds you of Fall?
  6. What book/series do you want everyone to read?
  7. What keeps you to continue blogging?
  8. What is your most recent post that’s your favourite?
  9. What book universe would you love to live in?
  10. Which book are you anticipating (and/or fearing) to read?
  11. If you could change the ending of a book, which book would it be and why?

Beyond the Blurb | Support Bloggers of Minorities and with Disabilities

I always want to come up with interesting topics for my weekly/monthly discussion post. And this topic hits close to home for me. Last month, I struggled with the stress in my life, and I couldn’t blog, so I took a small hiatus. So I’ll come clean: I have mental and physical illnesses. Yes, I have multiple. Past trauma and a chronic illness have wreaked havoc with my life, and I’ve let them control me. And saying that my illnesses are disabilities is hard to admit. I don’t want to accept that they are. But they are.

So, as I write this post, I want other bloggers to know they aren’t alone. Whether they are in a minority or have a disability, this community will support them no matter what they do. And if they need help, we’re here for them. But why should you keep supporting these bloggers?


1. They bring a different and unique perspective to the blogging community

Sometimes, people simply don’t understand the struggles they deal with. They show you how we all aren’t completely aware of issues with PTSD, anxiety, depression, racism, sexism, racial tensions, or homophobia.


2. They promote diverse books

Not a surprising reason, right? I find more diverse reads from them than anyone else. And I love that. I love that they’re promoting all kinds of books and authors. More importantly, they’re showing their love for them.


3. They aren’t afraid to say what needs to be said

Do you know what I look for the most in bloggers? What they’re willing to say. What crap they won’t put up with. If they find something problematic, they’ll damn well tell you about it. And you’ll be sure to listen. I know I do.


4. Their voice is needed in a sea of noise

Most of the time, you may not hear a voice that speaks out against a hyped-up book or author. But you should. Their voice deserves to be heard, to be acknowledged. And maybe, we should start listening up.


5. They support other bloggers

Networking helps fellow bloggers who are in the same situation as them. If others need help, they offer support when needed. But they also build a connection with other bloggers who need that support system that may not be there in their lives.


So where do you find them? Networking and Google. But if you don’t know where to start, here are some of my favourite bloggers:

Merline from Merline Reads

I met her by chance through a Twitter follow post. Merline has opened my eyes with many issues that POC face today. I love reading her reviews. And it’s a pleasure to know her.


Cait from A Page with a View

Who doesn’t know Cait? She’s practically a blog queen of book nerds. I’ve read her stuff for years. But I didn’t know she suffered from Lyme disease. She doesn’t let that take away her love for books.


Yash, Nafiza, Janet, Jane, and Yuriy from the Book Wars

I’ve followed their blog for several years now. But I know Yash personally. Both she and I took Ryerson’s Publishing program together, and I happened to be in the same course as her. She’s passionate about children’s and YA books.


Jeann, Jenna, and Aila from Happy Indulgence

They’ve been blogging since 2012. These three women give you a happy vibe when blogging (really, no pun there). I love when they support a book that deserves recognition and when they tear down a bad one.


Giselle from Book Nerd

She, a Canadian blogger, is one reason why I started my own blog, and her blogging tips have helped me over the last few years. Her voice is unique, and she stays honest with her reviews.

The Unique Blogger Award (2)

Hello, darlings!

I truly need to stop working on my blog so late at night. One time, I might actually get a review done, not push it back to the next day. 😂

The amazing Bibi nominated me for this award. You guys are too good to me, you know that?! When I see these kinds of noms show up in my notifications, I want to hug you all. Clearly, you need to follow her blog, so go check it out!


  • Share the link of the blogger who nominated you
  • Answer their questions
  • Share some love with the blogging community by nominating 8-12 people
  • Ask three questions for your nominees

Bibi’s Questions

How do you decide what book you will read next?

And you have started the first question off with a hard one. And here I thought this post would be easy. 😂 Typically, I plan which books I want to read throughout the month. So I want to read the recently released books immediately. However, I’ve been indecisive about which book to pick up lately. I’ve changed my mind three times this week just so I would stick with reading A Reaper at the Gates.


If you had to build your own harem, which 3-5 book loves would you choose? You can only pick one per book.

Yessss, someone finally asks me this question! And I find another harem reader (wow, that sounds horrible). I am not a hornball. I swear.

  • Thorne from Lunar Chronicles. My smol baby just breaks my heart every time I read about him!
  • Cassian from A Court of Thorns and Roses. That man is godly, and I’d probably whimper at the sight of him. And evidently, I have a thing for winged men.
  • Kaz from Six of Crows. The man owns my heart.
  • Elias from A Reaper at the Gates. MY CINNAMON ROLL IS PRECIOUS. Why wouldn’t I have him on this list?!
  • Elian from To Kill a Kingdom. I need a pirate in my life, and he is gorgeous, devious, and ruthless.


What’s your favourite kind of blog post to write and why?

I love writing discussion posts. They allow me to interact with more bloggers and see what their thoughts are on a particular topic. And I just love debating about books. So it works for me.

Right now, I’m working on one that talks about supporting bloggers in minorities and with disabilities, which I’m excited to finish!

My Questions

  1. When do you know that you should give up on a series you may not like but feel like you need to read ( for bragging rights)?
  2. Which beloved book couple do you hate the most? Why?
  3. Which book are you anticipating the most to read?

My Nominations!

Muahaha, now I get to pick my victims. 😈

MogsyElaine | JaneShaliniChristineCindyPaigeLaRonda | Lily | Becky

No pressure! If you’ve recently done this, don’t worry. But if you want to go ahead, link me up so I can read your responses, which are the best part of this award!