Tropes Book Tag

Hey, book fam!

Who else is nervous for Black Friday? I’m trying to mentally prepare myself for it, but the crowds are bound to creep me out. I want to wish all of my US blogs friends a Happy Thanksgiving. Stuff your face, ask for seconds, sneak in some dessert, then curl up with a great book. You all deserve it!

Sara from the Bibliophagist tagged me. Thank you, love! 💜 I highly recommend that you visit her blog and send her some love!

Hopelessly Devoted | Name Two Characters from Separate Series That You Ship

Nova from Renegades and Jude from The Cruel Prince! I don’t care if they’re romantic or if they’re just friends. They would be perfect for each other.


Damsel in Distress | Name a Female MC Who Didn’t Need a Man to Complete Her

Emika. I was disappointed when she chose Hideo. Girl, you deserve better.


Love at First Sight | Name Your OTP

HAHA. Like I have just one. Seriously?! Okay, I’m sorry, but I need to make a list (a short one, or we’ll be here all day):

Throne of Glass: Aelin and Rowan, Lysandra and Aedion, and Dorian and Manon

Six of Crows: Kaz and Inej

An Ember in the Ashes: Laia and Elias

A Court of Thorns and Roses: Feyre and Rhysand and Nesta and Cassian


Mental Illness as a Quirk | Name a Book That Represented Mental Illness Well

Surprisingly, this sequel beautifully represents and highlights mental illness. I don’t see a lot of PTSD rep in books. So since I suffer from it myself, I hope authors portray it organically. And Sarah does.


The Chosen One | Name an MC Who Did (or Almost Did) Ruin a Series for You

I wanted to love this book. I truly did. But I cannot get past a naive MC who doesn’t mature at all. Even though the mythology and world-building are spot on, I didn’t enjoy the read as much I wanted to.


Friends to Lovers | Name a Duo Who Went from Friendship Goals to Relationship Goals

Almost half of my life, I have followed Women of the Otherworld series. So when Kelley hinted at Savannah and Adam finally moving from friends to lovers, I squealed. These two characters are perfect for each other!


Amnesia | Name a Book You Would Forget for One Reason or Another

This book may have pushed me never to read another vampire story again.


Bad Boys | Name Your Favourite Villain

Androids that murder their creators and show emotions? SIGN ME UP. I adore this book and need the sequel!


Missing Parents or Adults | Name a Book That Could’ve Benefited from a Bit of Parental Guidance of Adult Supervision

I might as well throw ALL the Shadowhunter series into my answer. Even though the parents make appearances, I feel the characters needed better parental support so they wouldn’t run off and cause more problems for everyone.


Girl/Guy Gang | Tag Some Friends

Like always, don’t feel obligated to do the tag. If you’re interested though, link back to my post!

Jenna ❄️ Lana ❄️ Harshita ❄️ Nina ❄️ Malanie ❄️ Mandy ❄️ Judith ❄️ Mel ❄️ Laura ❄️ Candace ❄️ Mogsy

8 thoughts on “Tropes Book Tag

  1. Yessssssssssssssss to Emika. She certainly did NOT need Hideo. And yes yes yes to Kaz and Inej. Total love at first sight for them. Your answers were great, Siobhan, and I loved reading them. Thank you so much for tagging me! Great post as always! ❤


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