Sunshine Blogger Award (7)

I swear you are all out to make me cry this month. And I feel as if I don’t deserve it. Okay, okay. I’m good. I’m fine. Let’s start a new week with an award nom post, yes?

Leelynn from Sometimes Leelynn Reads, who is so damn sweet, nominated me for my seventh Sunshine Blogger Award. And all I want to do is to smoosh her with love. Don’t forget to take some time to visit her blog.

What is the Sunshine Blogger Award?

The Sunshine Blogger Award is given to those who are creative, positive and inspiring while spreading sunshine to the blogging community.

How does it work?

  • Thank the blogger(s) who nominated you in a blog post and link back to their blog.
  • Answer the 11 questions sent by the person who nominated you.
  • Nominate 11 new blogs to receive the award and write them 11 new questions.
  • List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post and/or on your blog.

Leelynn’s Questions

Name the top five book characters in your gang and what position they would be.

Jude, who’ll deal with battle strategy; Mia Corvere, who will handle revenge; Nina, who will be in charge of healing and waffle making; Lysandra, who’d swindle unsuspecting men who kind of deserve it; and Cricket, who’d help us not get killed. Everyone needs a robot with a conscience.

Who is your absolute favourite author and why?

Right now, I’m not sure who is my favourite author. I’m in between one if that makes any sense to you. 😂

What was the biggest controversy you’ve learned about in the bookish community?

Privilege and entitlement shouldn’t take hold in our community. Unfortunately, consumerism is at the heart of it. And we bloggers are stuck with dealing with the ugly side of both issues.

How long have you been blogging?

I’m shocked I’ve been blogging these past three years. It’s been one of the most fulfilling journeys I’ve ever taken.

Where is your favourite place to read? Favourite place to blog?

I never shut up about my chair, yes? It’s a rickety chair that I read, eat, sleep, and blog in. It’s mine, I love it forever, and I’ll hurt anyone who takes my spot.

Which TV series would you have wanted to read about if it was a book series instead and why?

I would have read Siren in a second. I’d have no doubt in my mind that my black heart would swell.

Which book character reminds you of a TV series/movie character and how are they similar?

Zofia from Gilded Wolves reminds me of Bones. Both rely on science and struggle with understanding emotions. I love how they represent autism.

What author do you refuse to read and why?

Justina Ireland is one author I cannot support. I wanted to read Dread Nation. But after hearing her commentary against Asian women, I don’t feel the need to. Mackenzi Lee is another. I don’t know why authors think that attacking their readers is the appropriate action to take.

What kind of advice would you give to beginner book bloggers?

Before you start, take time to think of a brand name, something that you can live with. Don’t start immediately. Build up your posts, schedule when you’ll do them, read books and work on reviews a month or more before you’ll start your blog. You need that wiggle room when life goes wrong, and it will. Don’t forget to interact. And there’s nothing wrong in doing book tags.

What would you say to your past self that you wish you knew back then?

I’m going philosophical here. Don’t let your pain from the past dictate what you do in your present and future. Find the help you need and don’t stop fighting for it. You are a survivor, and you should never, never, never blame yourself for what people have done.

What is your best advice to stay positive in the book blogging community?

Find your besties. I know I have, and I adore every single one of my girls. Don’t jump onto the cancel culture wagon too quickly. Take a step back and evaluate what is happening on social media. And never let other bloggers sway your opinion. You have a voice, so use it.

My Questions

  1. Which authors are on your do-not-read list?
  2. Which blogger has the most impact on you?
  3. What book caused your latest book slump?
  4. Which villain do you like the most?
  5. What is your last five-star read?
  6. What OTP did you wish survived but didn’t?
  7. What book do you want to read next?
  8. What book do you want to be turned into a TV show or movie?
  9. Who is your favourite character in the last book you read?
  10. Which novel do you wish you never read?
  11. What is your guilty pleasure show?

I Nominate

Kay | Meeghan | Alexandra | Hamad | Ali | Destiny | Maisy | Lori | Zandra | Ashley | Sam

10 thoughts on “Sunshine Blogger Award (7)

  1. So true. We should not let pain in the past decide our future. Great advice!
    Congratulations! Great post!


  2. Congrats on all the love via tags/awards, Siobhan! You absolutely deserve it! Also, I’m sure you’re shocked to see a comment from me and all I can say is I’m trying to work my way back into this lovely blogging community after quite a hiatus! Happy reading, dear!


  3. Thank you so much for the tag! Your gang is going to be flawless. I can’t imagine anyone taking that gang on and living to tell the tale. 😂

    On a more serious note, I’m glad I’m not the only one who’s done with Justina Ireland’s writing. :/ Same for Mackenzi Lee! It’s just not worth it.


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